Minor improvements and bug fixes Advertisement.


As part of our approach to improving our electronic signature service, we will be rolling out a new version of the CertSignAPI service during the month of November.
This new version brings the following improvements:

  • XAdES and CAdES signing
  • eIDAS qualified timestamp

Version 1.10.0 is scheduled for November 2022 with a two-step deployment:

  • Thursday 17/11/2022 at 11:00 CET: Availability in sandbox
  • Thursday 24/11/2022 at 3:00 p.m. CET: Availability in the production environment

Please note that disruptions related to the intervention could be observed on each of the environments for a maximum duration of one hour.
The new version will be put into production only after validation of the sandbox tests.
Our Support team is at your disposal following the version upgrade for any feedback.


XAdES and CAdES signatures

CertSignAPI now offers two new signature types XAdES and CAdES according to European Commission specifications
All you have to do is specify the type of signature (“signatureType”) desired when requesting the signature to obtain the file in conformity signed in return.
Please note that not all signature types are available for all file formats.

Please refer to the table below to verify the list of file formats that are compatible with each signature type:



A new signature verification EndPoint has also been made available to the user by following the address: “{{url}}/validation”.
This EndPoint works for all types of signatures and it is particularly useful in the case of a detached signature to ensure that the returned signature is indeed related to the original document.

eIDAS qualified timestamp

CertSign API is equipped with an eIDAS-qualified timestamping solution and allows our customers to increase the level of security by guaranteeing:

  • Document integrity
  • The accuracy of the date and time indicated (Coordinated Universal Time)

This new timestamping module increases resilience in the event of a load increase and guarantees high availability.